- Accession #: MDB0000421
- Donor ID: JN_RB_R9963_C1
- Scientific name: Richardsonius balteatus
- Common name: redside shiner
- Donor life stage: pubertal
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000422
- Donor ID: JN_RB_R9963_C2
- Scientific name: Richardsonius balteatus
- Common name: redside shiner
- Donor life stage: pubertal
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000423
- Donor ID: JN_RB_R9963_C5
- Scientific name: Richardsonius balteatus
- Common name: redside shiner
- Donor life stage: pubertal
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000424
- Donor ID: JN_RB_R9963_D9
- Scientific name: Richardsonius balteatus
- Common name: redside shiner
- Donor life stage: pubertal
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000425
- Donor ID: JN_RB_R9963_E2
- Scientific name: Richardsonius balteatus
- Common name: redside shiner
- Donor life stage: pubertal
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000426
- Donor ID: JN_RB_R9963_F1
- Scientific name: Richardsonius balteatus
- Common name: redside shiner
- Donor life stage: pubertal
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000427
- Donor ID: JN_RB_R9963_F2
- Scientific name: Richardsonius balteatus
- Common name: redside shiner
- Donor life stage: pubertal
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000428
- Donor ID: JN_RB_R9963_F3
- Scientific name: Richardsonius balteatus
- Common name: redside shiner
- Donor life stage: pubertal
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin