- Accession #: MDB0000151
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000152
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000153
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000154
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000155
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000156
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000157
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000158
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000159
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_24718
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 11 years, 120 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000160
- Donor ID: MZ_MF_25058
- Scientific name: Macaca fascicularis
- Common name: Cynomolgus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin