- Accession #: MDB0000371
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_1000A6
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000372
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_1000A6
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000373
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_1000A6
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000374
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_1000A6
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000375
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_1000A6
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000376
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_CA2
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000377
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_CA6
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000378
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_CA12
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000379
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_CA12_1B
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000380
- Donor ID: USEPA_GLTED_PP_Propi21d_CA16
- Scientific name: Pimephales promelas
- Common name: Fathead Minnow
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin