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J. Nagler, 2024, 'Nagler Lab - Rainbow trout Donor: R08-511-2 Slide:3',, Multispecies Ovary Tissue Histology Electronic Repository, Retrieved: March 13, 2025


Genus: Oncorhynchus ()

Species: Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)


Donor ID: JN_OM_RO8511-2

Life Stage: pubertal

Age: years, days

Stage of Cycle:


Contact: James Nagler

Slide information

Accession #: MDB0000395

Ovary position: left

Location: wholeOvary

Section thickness: 5 microns

Fixation: bouins

Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin

Immunohistochemistry: None

Experimental treatment: None

Other pathology: None

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