- Accession #: MDB0000321
- Donor ID: JS_BC_2020-08-25_2_F
- Scientific name: Busycotypus canaliculatus
- Common name: channeled whelk
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000322
- Donor ID: JS_BC_2020-08-25_20_F
- Scientific name: Busycotypus canaliculatus
- Common name: channeled whelk
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000323
- Donor ID: JS_BC_2020-09-14_93_F
- Scientific name: Busycotypus canaliculatus
- Common name: channeled whelk
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000324
- Donor ID: JS_BC_2020-09-14_97_F
- Scientific name: Busycotypus canaliculatus
- Common name: channeled whelk
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000325
- Donor ID: MZ_MM_32685
- Scientific name: Macaca mulatta
- Common name: Rhesus Monkey
- Donor life stage: prepubertal
- Donor age: 5 years, 271 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinOnly
- Accession #: MDB0000326
- Donor ID: KY_SP_CSULB14_316C_Extra1
- Scientific name: Semicossyphus pulcher
- Common name:
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000327
- Donor ID: KY_SP_CSULB14_477B_Extra1
- Scientific name: Semicossyphus pulcher
- Common name:
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000328
- Donor ID: KY_PT_WSD005
- Scientific name: Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
- Common name: common seadragon
- Donor life stage: unspecified
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000329
- Donor ID: KY_PT_WSD005
- Scientific name: Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
- Common name: common seadragon
- Donor life stage: unspecified
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000330
- Donor ID: KY_PT_WSD005
- Scientific name: Phyllopteryx taeniolatus
- Common name: common seadragon
- Donor life stage: unspecified
- Donor age: years, days
- Stage of cycle:
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin