- Accession #: MDB0000301
- Donor ID: MZ_MM_22446
- Scientific name: Macaca mulatta
- Common name: Rhesus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 18 years, 253 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000302
- Donor ID: MZ_MM_22446
- Scientific name: Macaca mulatta
- Common name: Rhesus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 18 years, 253 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000303
- Donor ID: MZ_MM_22446
- Scientific name: Macaca mulatta
- Common name: Rhesus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 18 years, 253 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000304
- Donor ID: MZ_MM_22446
- Scientific name: Macaca mulatta
- Common name: Rhesus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 18 years, 253 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000305
- Donor ID: MZ_MM_22446
- Scientific name: Macaca mulatta
- Common name: Rhesus macaque
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 18 years, 253 days
- Stage of cycle: unspecified
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000306
- Donor ID: JF_MM_21070_F
- Scientific name: Mus musculus
- Common name: House Mouse
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 0 years, 82 days
- Stage of cycle: diestrus
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000307
- Donor ID: JF_MM_21070_F
- Scientific name: Mus musculus
- Common name: House Mouse
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 0 years, 82 days
- Stage of cycle: diestrus
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000308
- Donor ID: JF_MM_21070_F
- Scientific name: Mus musculus
- Common name: House Mouse
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 0 years, 82 days
- Stage of cycle: diestrus
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000309
- Donor ID: JF_MM_21070_F
- Scientific name: Mus musculus
- Common name: House Mouse
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 0 years, 82 days
- Stage of cycle: diestrus
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin
- Accession #: MDB0000310
- Donor ID: JF_MM_21070_F
- Scientific name: Mus musculus
- Common name: House Mouse
- Donor life stage: adult
- Donor age: 0 years, 82 days
- Stage of cycle: diestrus
- Stain: hematoxylinAndEosin